The different between Thai Massage and Yoga


Did you know that Thai Massage and Yoga have a lot in common!?

Thai massage may at first seem a little intense, especially if you’re used to Yoga, but as it proceeds it becomes relaxing and invigorating.

Thai Massage could be seen as a private and passive Yoga session, where the therapist puts an entire body to frees the energy lines of the receiver.

In Thai Massage, there are two people involved: The receiver who is passive, and the therapist who is active and doing all the work.

When Thai Massage could be the better option?

  • One has a condition that limited range of motion. In Thai Massage, the receiver does not have to do anything except rely on the therapist
  • One needs quick results on the pain area. In comparison, yoga is a long term system. It is not a quick-fix solution.
  • One has no understanding of massage and no time for regular yoga practice. Yoga takes time and a good amount of skill to reap the benefits.